Chasing trouble

The Lilium elegantly avoided his aunt’s jaws as she snapped out after him. His teeth were bared, and eyes darkened even more by the fact that she dared to attempt to strike back at him. She offered her a horrible grimace as the woman called out, attempting to sound noble. It mattered extremely little to the man what she had to say. In his mind, they had both left all rights back at the Dahlian borders. They were trespassers, they were filth. He sidestepped easily, watching the foolish woman, yet keeping an eye at the unknown loner. The fur along his spine stood stiffly. When the other male started to circle the two, Haku immediately took that as a threatening sign. His face turned to the dark man, slightly pink teeth peering out at the untouched piece fleshed beast that had to be separated into a million pieces. He gave a sharp inhale to save the scent for a later hunt before the devilish blue eyes turned back to Susquehanna.

”Get out!”, the male snapped out at her, tail waving in absolute dominance. His eyes found the other man again. ”I promise you, if you touch me I will send twenty wolves after your head.” He did not feel outnumbered at all. His ego and self confidence was too large for them to mentally have the advantage here. If trouble rose, he had more than enough backup to pick from. He let his breath escape his body in a low hiss, wondering exactly what kind of massacre the demon would have preferred if it got what it wanted. It would be somewhat unfair to kill them both only because of the trespassing, but Haku had done this before, and would not hesitate to strike out and let the ground bathe in their crimson blood. He took another strike at the woman, jaws warningly snapping after her face. Oh, how foolish she was.


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