Loneliness be over
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A warm smile graced her maw as he replied, but the smile that was held within those white orbs was stronger, dancing like the white fire of a star. And then she was silent, allowing her head to once more rest upon his shoulder and chest. And as she was silent, she struggled with the emotion that seemed to burst within her like an uncontainable excitement, unable to put a name to it, able only to see the colours it created in her mind. The sound of his breathing, the sound of his soul, melded into those colours, becoming the source. And so she became reluctant to pull herself away, to take that proximity and put a distance between them. And yet finally, with what appeared to be effortless grace, the black warrior slowly took a step back, gently creating that distance. But it was not a distance tat was being created because she no longer desired to be at his side. And she smiled up at him once more, her hand still clasped in his and remembering that small squeeze.

She continued to step back even as she retained that grip, her tail waving once behind her in an almost playful fashion. "Come," that soft melody invited. She lead him along the soft sands, her progress only marginally slowed by the malleable surface beneath her feet. The sands whispered quietly in their passing, forgotten for the incessant sigh of the sea. The white orbs looked out into that brighter world (and the world did seem brighter by these old waters) listening to the song that the world sang to her soul. As she moved with that grace her father had given to her, the black, woad tipped tail moved behind her, keeping her balance in the way for which it was made. Once she looked back at the male, wondering suddenly if his name was simply ‘Onus’ or if he had another name like so many others had. With that thought she turned back, the eyes searching the shore for her destination.

It was a cave that suddenly rose up along the shore, fitted into the cliffs that likewise appeared. The stone was dark as if ever quenched by the sea spray, and yet there were places that were bleached white by the sun, no doubt of a different mineral. The air of the cave was cool, breathing softly and yet without the stale air of many other caves. She had only been here a few times on her own, encouraged by her first encounter with a cave within the Dahlian packlands. Then, Sankor had shown her what was in a cave, and now she had found her own. Occassionally, as was seen as she stepped upon the cool stone, she had brought old weapons that had been found in the city and the pelts of animals that she had hunted, knowing that others liked to sleep on them. The book that Cercelee had given her even sat near the back, alone and untouched save for by her eyes, for she knew not how to read what was within it. But it was not these things which was most exciting for the warrior; it was the dark cave within, the tunnels that burrowed deep and remained unexplored, even by herself. The white orbs turned to Onus. "I thought that perhaps we could explore a different world," she said with a light smile, that alto melody holding a silent question. The caves, because the air was fresh, would lead back to another shore if they chose the correct path.


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