Loneliness be over
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He continued to watch her, curious, and his ears strained to catch her words. Even in the dead silence of the tunnel how soft her voice had become made it hard to hear. He believed her when she said that nothing was wrong, but something wasn't entirely right either. The man was acute to changes in other's moods and she had gone from seemingly fine to suddenly distant and cryptic. Whatever had brought on this change was running through her head, but he still thought it must have something to do with him. Perhaps not in his current actions or words, but something deeper. Something about the situation had made her take a step back, and he did not wish to continue until things were clear.

If any remnants had been left, his smile quickly disappeared now. His mouth returning to the straight line that showed neither pleasure nor displeasure. It was only a void, neutral. The warmth that had settled into his chest cooled as if someone had blown out a candle. Onus knew that nothing was meant to last. He had learned that lesson early on in his life. His childhood had been snuffed out before it had even gotten a chance to truly breathe. Ever since then his life had been his mission. His mind and heart were distant. Distant to allow him to do his work and to protect himself from those he tried to protect. He was not a man for dreams, but he knew what she thought her vision had meant. She thought he was going to die. Perhaps he was. Perhaps when he faced her father again he would not once again escape with his life. Maybe it would be someone else to end his life.

Onus didn't fear death though. He knew that eventually it would come for him and his mission would be ended. It came for all things. It was just the manner and time that differed. Still, his chances of perishing at the hands of another were much greater than that of most. "If you wish to distance yourself I understand." The coyote was not selfish. If she wanted to end things here to protect herself, then that would be that. There was a tiny flicker inside of him that wished that she would not want such things, but it would be easily extinguished if it needed to be.


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