Trouble is all around
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A little powerplay about her being able to get away, ^=^

She knew that it would be coming, that it was inevitable. For a single instant, the world fell silent. And in the silence she could see everything. The pup out of his reach, the blades of grass shifting in the wind caused by the movements of her own body. She saw the jaws behind her (or perhaps she felt them) saw what they would be in the mind’s eye. But she could do nothing about it, her body had already moved into those jaws, and she knew it would be this way even as she moved to throw that pup from his reach. As that infinitesimal moment, drawn out by the impact that was sure to come, came to a close, a sharp tone whispered in her ears: the sound of her own soul singing fiercely in the heat of this battle only just begun. Suddenly—abruptly—that moment ended, becoming another. Time resumed its normal pace, allowing those attacking jaws to pass swiftly over her body even as she attempted to turn out of their reach.

A single sound escaped the warrior’s jaws, and it was the sound of between an alarmed bark and a vicious snarl. As a warrior, she knew that she had already lost the advantage of this moment, of this attack. But she knew also that there was still time for her to regain her metaphorical footing before it was too late—if she acted quickly. They fell to the earth, the impact allowing her to turn slightly as he sought to pin her down, those jaws frantically and mindlessly ripping at her flank and back. Pain was not a factor in such a battle, though it would be a prevalent entity once the fight was over. And the black female intended to come out of this fight alive; defeat was not on her agenda. The woman knew that this creature meant to kill her—she had seen it in those clear, yellow eyes. But that was of no consequence to her. She understood her own choices and her own path, and they were separate from his.

The slight twisting of her body had been enough. Her own jaws sought his throat as her body resisted the paws that sought to subdue her. There were snarls coming from her own throat, ripping into the air with her own thunder. Because the larger male’s subduing paws, her jaws that snapped in the air missed his throat but caught that place beneath his jaws. While this had not been her target, the black fae did not release. All those jaws knew was that it had something. Her head took several viscious shakes, intent upon shredding and destroying whatever it was that she had. This was enough to cause the predator to allow her enough room to get up, and she did, releasing him. She placed herself between Brennt and the pup once more, those wild, white orbs seeing only the target before her. The fae’s head was held low, an instinctive thing to protect her neck. With hackles raised and a snarl rumbling in her throat, the warrior challenged him forwad.


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