Trouble is all around
The black female had abandoned her effort to escape early, leaving her time enough to brace for his charge. An instinctually driven foe would not have been able to pull it off, but the discipline in the smaller wolf, the self-control which was completely outside the predator's ability to perceive, let alone understand, managed. The crash came on, and its body--the larger of the two by a fair degree--won out, pushing them beyond her position, but despite the apparent success of the maneuver initially, she did not topple backward; and though its fangs had found her neck, and her fangs had found his chest, neither collapsed with the shock of the pain, and the battle did not slam into the ground as intended.

The warrior had planted her legs firmly, but even so, his momentum had been too much, and had driven her off of the ground of her 'last stand.' Nevertheless, her hind-legs had skidded, but found purchase again, and she had not surrendered that footing despite the pain and despite the perhaps more appealing prospect of attempting to roll out of the fall, she had put herself on the line to prevent the fall, because a more conscious mind than the beast's was able to piece together the eventual consequence of the fight going to ground once more. As the two of them reared up, neither able to knock the other over for the monster's superior mass and the warrior's superior leverage and balance, the angles of their jaws in relation to one another changed. The larger wolf found its jaws at a more awkward angle, and half of the flesh it had savaged scraped bloodlessly out of its mouth. The angle of the smaller female's bite, however, had improved. Standing on their hind legs, access to the male's chest had increased, and as the their jaws worked on one another, snapping and seeking greater purchase, hers were able to find the flesh just above its sternum.

A bestial whine screamed out from its parted jaws as it pushed off against her shoulders with its forelegs, breaking their deadly unison in a small spray of crimson. Taking the ground with all four legs again, it growled long and low, keeping its head down to protect its injured throat. It had savaged her, and she had savaged it. Clearly it bore wounds in greater number than she, despite its early advantage. Still, with its size, it still posed a menacing figure, and wore the wounds fiercely, having stepped back, but not yet retreated. Pink-slaver, tinged with blood, dripped from its open and grimacing jaws. It seemed unwilling to attack her again, but also unwilling to retreat. It stood, its bright regard like hellfire, glaring back into its enemy's white gaze.

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