Loneliness be over
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ppachi.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Oh noes! Well, he might have been a little more concerned, but since we've already progressed this far maybe just from now on act that he had been more concerned? XD

He watched her intently, still curious as to what was going on through her thoughts. Some people were harder to read than others, and she was definitely one of them. A bit of an enigma. But that was part of the reason that he was so drawn to her. To him so many were so simple and predictable. He could easily read their actions and what was going on behind their eyes. Maybe it was because he found criminals so simple. He barely ever tried to read those that he did not suspect, or at least not so deeply. "It'd be easy to avoid." That's what he believed anyway. All she had to do was not do anything corrupt or evil and not to get in his way of fighting those who did. That would be simple, would it not? She didn't seem the type to engage in those activities.

Onus knew that getting attached to her had potential problems, but for once he was willing to risk that. Didn't even someone so devoted to a cause as him deserve at least some small measure of peace? Of contentment? While he had never allowed himself to hope or wish for such things, now that it was so close he wanted it. Maybe he would not be permitted to keep it forever, but for a moment in time perhaps he would be allowed some happiness. Some fulfillment aside from his endless task. At her request his ears strained forward, but he did not balk. He saw how serious she was about this. This could be their moment of sink or swim.

The coyote knew how much truer than words actions could be, so he sensed what she wanted from this. He paused for only a moment. What if he could not satisfy her? But he did not want to lose her and what was between them. Not here, not now. Quickly he stepped forward, executing the space between them with preciseness. He pressed his lips against her's and one hand went to softly touch her neck, feeling the scars there. His other arm reached around her back, drawing her close. Just because he had at the time felt no desire for her body in intimate ways did not mean that such things did not exist in the man. It was just something that had been suppressed. He had felt a stirring aside from in his heart that night and he felt something similar now as he tasted her again. The flame had lit in his chest again, stronger than before.


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