Alone amidst the waves
She smiled slightly at the poor girl as she accepted the offer to stay with them for a while. Firefly knew that the house they'd shacked up in had plenty of room for one more and even though it wasn't as private as their own places they could live, for now. "Then it's settled.. let's get you somewhere a little more comfortable.." She didn't know what exactly Svara was thinking but it was beginning to look like they were going to have to claim a place of their own soon enough if they kept collecting wandering souls. Her ears flicked back at the thought as she hoped that Jac was still out there alive. She didn't want to think that he hadn't made it, especially since he'd been so close to the lands. It made her wonder why he'd been here in the first place, but she moved away from the idea as Svara went off again to taunt the young male.

She really hated when she got stuck in these situations. She did not like playing monkey in the middle and she really didn't like being the one in the middle. normally she was the one happily taunting the fool but this young fellow who seemed to know her brother enough to pip interest at his name had let an itch at the back of her mind and cause those pathetic feelings of pity. She sighed and rolled her eyes at Svara as she said softly, "You've got a lot to learn still, you know that?.." a slight twinge of annoyance in her voice. "Wait here..or don't." she said as she moved away from the two women and followed after Haven.

Leaving Svara and Ruri behind she trampsed across the sands after Haven, who seemed to have disappointed Ruri by trying to escape. She growled softly as she placed herself in his path and reached out to grab hold of the arm that held the bottle just incase he decided to push past her. It wouldn't be so easy to cast her aside if she was clinging to the boy, though she really hated having to resort to such an act. "What is wrong with you?" she asked as she shook her head, eying him with disbelief at the fact that he'd just walked away after finding the poor soul there on the beach. "Do you always ditch the girl so quickly after finding out their worth?" she knew she probably shouldn't taunt the boy, seeing how it didn't work so well when Svara had done it but she couldn't believe the kid would just abandon someone he'd just pulled from the reaches of the sea.

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