I'm not afraid of storms,
The words from the Rosea were like annoying little gnats buzzing about her ears. She straightened up as she looked to the leader, though she felt that she really didn't have a need to have to explain herself she did so anyways to amuse the masses. "What would you have done, come to find your own mate having brought his whore and bastard get to reside right along side your own family." Her eyes flared as she spoke the words, the pride and anger sparking as she went on. "It wasn't suppose to happen like that. If you hadn't called that damn meeting I wouldn't have had to bring it to face so quickly. " She glared at Alexey as she watched Emwe settle between them all. "Perhaps I should have just left and taken them with me, either way you'd still think I was in the wrong." She could tell already that there was no escaping now. If only the damn bitch hadn't been whining and moaning about the lost puppies all the time she would have had enough time to collect them.

The fact that Conor was missing worried her but not as much as the fact that they were wanting answers now. She knew that soon enough Haku would be brought around and the whole scene would go to hell in two seconds flat. She flicked her ears back as Cercelee asked the question of where they'd been. "They were in Phoenix Valley, where do you think I'd bring them?" She still didn't know that Lysander had never informed DaVinci that his nephews were in the lands, she just trusted that he knew. Not that it really mattered anyways. She was just disgusted by this whole thing and wanted to wash her hands clean of it now that Alexey had decided to drag the whole thing through the mud.

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