Yesterday seems so far away..


"However insignificant they seem, every effort is made for a purpose." And perhaps the male did not believe in such things, in purpose or fate. But...would that change anything? If not for a purpose, then why did life exist? Life existed to procreate and to die, but for what purpose did we procreate? To simply maintain a balance? The warrior did not know the answers to these questions. While such thought occasionally crossed her mind, she did not allow them to trouble her. What would she did if she knew her true purpose? Purpose cannot be changed, and so she would simply continue to live life as she had. Nothing would have been changed if she knew such a thing. With that knowledge, one could do nothing. And many chose to allow such things to detriment their lives. And the warrior, being a simple and accepting creature, did not allow such a thing to dictate her life. She didn’t and wouldn’t waste her time.

The black fae lifted her head, turning to look at her packmate once more. Those white orbs washed over him carefully, wondering what it was—or perhaps there were many causes—that caused the male to despair as he was. She was silent for a moment, unknowing of what should be said and done in such a situation; the warrior didn’t want to be seen as insensitive simply due to her social inabilities. "What has so victimized you?" The alto melody was soft, quiet, gentle as those words were sent across the space to him. Sometimes it seemed as if the life of a civilian was much more complicated than the cycle she followed: protect, fight, heal, protect, fight, heal. And of course, that was a simple life, was it not? Her eyes followed the place where the male’s ripples had died, seeing only the vague ripples of the waterfall.


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