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She was far from safe, far away from the security that she had always known. It was dangerous to lay beneath him, to let herself be teased and excited by him. The alcohol had stripped her of her inhibition, but it was his touch that took all sense from her mind. Anu let it happen, not caring as she bordered on the climax that he rose from within her. She pushed him further and further even when he had asked so kindly if she was ready. It was dangerous, the passion that shocked both of their bodies as they collided. It wasn’t safe to loose herself completely, allow him to have her in a way she hadn’t felt in ages. Her body screamed, her heart ached and both desired to be satisfied. It was too late to picture that faces that made her so whiling to seek refuge in another’s arms, but it was also too late to forget that their actions pushed her towards him. The rejection, the refusal she felt from them couldn’t be forgotten, as she tasted the forbid fruit from a tree she had since ignored.

His tongue and his fingers were just as good as any others. Dancing and teasing the flesh that blazed between her legs. He knew the way to give and take, to prolong her release and tempt her with his teasing. Anu hated him for it, her anger growing into a ravishing passion that made her want him, made her ask and beg with her voice and body. She hated that he showed her that all her choices in the past had been wrong, all the effort in vain. Hated that he was right for her, fitting where all others hadn’t and giving her the one thing she had been asking for.

To enthralled to find amusement in his reaction of her touch she only hoped that it was the pull he needed. Ear listened as he spoke his enjoyment in the deep moan that slowly came from his throat. Anu kissed the soft flesh under his chin as she broke from his lips. Tracing the tender and taught skin, she let her teeth follow the curve gently almost tasting the sweetness of the blood that flowed so hastily beneath it. Her actions weren’t in vain, and with eyes closed Anu accepted him whiling into her. Breath lost, she felt as it caught in her chest as he filled her, only to be released as he slowly withdrew. He was a blaze of passion and yearning, but his control was just as infuriating as his teasing. Wanting to move him to the same aggressive obsession she felt met his movements, taking more and more.

Other leg matched its pair as Anu straddled him while her hands moved upwards to hold his neck. His rhythm was slow and deep, the complete opposite of the rapid pulse that beat from her center. It seemed to off for the rush of heat that radiated from just beyond her skin, almost too weak to contain the fire that raged through her veins. She arched her back towards the stranger, taking as much of him as he would give. She pressed her chest against him skimming his arms with heavy fingers, letting them fall down his back and further. She finally rested them on his hips, adding pressure as she expressed a greater need for him. Closer and closer he drove her, stirring a shudder that threatened to engulf her entirely. Her voice rose, uncontrolled it rang into his ear sounding her ever-growing climax.


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