I know I have issues
I'm so so sorry for the wait. 700+

Everything was going well, except for the odd fact that he was ’escorting’ a puppy he did not know to her parents that he was certain he did not know either. It was acceptable to break some rules every now and then and pretend to be nice for a change though. It felt a bit odd, because he doubted he would get anything back for this. No, Haku preferred his actions to reward him in either this or that way, so such a move from him was rather unexpected. With the child dancing happily in front of him, he allowed his mind to slowly drift away, activating auto pilot, simply walking after her. If anything, he could attempt to recruit more to Dahlia, although the borders were officially closed. It was not that Dahlia could no longer support a larger pack, it was just that some individuals felt it could get a bit out of hand. The latest additions had been some bad choices, with Sabeen being mad and what not. Accidents happened, and all in all, Haku would always consider that to be Svara’s fault alone for screwing up her rights to banish the female at the borders.

There was a blur of movement in front of the Lilium, and his eyes instantly focused to be able to register what was going on. Quick and elegant as a feline, a large male came into sight, and moments after Frey’s neck was embraced by the brute’s fangs. Even from the small distance, Haku could see nature of the male’s grip. This was no friend. Then the other beast was off, and the Dahlian wolf was left, dimly blinking in oblivion as the form of the male and the dying puppy vanished out of sight. What. The. Fuck. It took another moment before Haku’s body started to move again, quickly picking up the pace to follow the man and the child that had expected to see her parents again today. It was odd how the world functioned from time to time, but Haku had approached his share of monsters, and knew what could be found out there if one bothered to look and remove the goggles of oblivion.

The scent was fresh and easy to track, and it led the chocolate and cream man towards the fence. By the time the man reached the old human fence, he had let go of most of the speed, and was approaching with caution. He was not really up for something too violent today. There had been too much of that lately. Hidden gashes here and there under his fur was still healing, some slightly fresher than others. It was probably the sound that was noticed first. The sound of bones cracking and the sound of flesh being consumed. The man’s ears perked up in curiosity rather than folding back in a threat. Haku’s main question was; what the fuck is going on. The brute and his hostage came into sight, and made the cocoa male pause. For a few seconds all the blue eyed brute could do was to stare at the man eating the child. After those seconds had passed, he stood watching anyway, feeling puzzlement take hold of his body.

Yellow eyes found him quickly without problems, and the sky blue orbs of the Dahlian stared back. They were still on a comfortable distance, but Haku could not keep himself from taking a few extra steps towards the odd scene. A chocolate neck stretched to edge him even closer, eyes letting go of the other man’s eyes to further investigate what he actually was doing to Frey. He felt his jaw slightly drop, but that was it, basically. The obvious thing to do would have been to attack the man and get him off the girl, no matter how much was left of her. The obvious thing would be to develop some minor mental illness because of the disturbing scene he was witnessing. Haku was not the average wolf though. He felt no loss for the girl. She had not been his and therefore she did not matter at all. No, it was curiosity that filled the Lilium of Dahlia de Mai. He had never witnessed anything like it, and he felt his hackles rise. Not in anger or threat, but it usually came with the rush of adrenaline.

He hesitated for a few more moments before he remembered his dangling jaw. The other beast was almost done devouring its prey, gulping it down like a true predator. This was something unique. It was an unique beast, driven by instinct rather than the idiotic system the wolves around here wanted to adapt to. Sure, eating a puppy seemed a bit off in every way, but there was something there that Haku had missed dearly while living in Dahlia de Mai. The other beast crossed boundaries and broke rules. He did what Haku could not. ”You just ate a puppy.”, the Dahlian man stated firmly, his voice rolling over to the other brute. He did not really know what else to say. There was a cluster of excited emotions filling his chest. This was fucking cool.


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