bloody mascaraed
The Savant had been attempting to move the cattle from the far pasture to the meadow near the barn when he'd got himself in a bit of a pickle. One of the heifers had become annoyed with his efforts to relocated them to greener grasses and had tried to run him through. The damned cow had pinned him against the barb wire fence, though he'd managed to escape the scent of blood was enough to tell him that she had in some way got her justice. Snarling at the creature he'd finally sent her scurrying after her calf and into the gate. Pushing his weight against the metal contraption until he heard the pin click into place on the lock he sighed and limped to the barn to see what damage she'd actually managed to create.

Shifting back into his optime form DaVinci already could see the damage done by the sharp metal already along his foreleg and down his wrist. Snarling to himself he shuffled over to the water pump and began to draw a bucket of water. Heading back to the farmstead with the bucket he watched the blood dripping from his wrist and leaving a trail in the dust. He cursed as he struggled to open the damn door and finally pushed his way inside.

Dropping the bucket on the table in the kitchen he rummaged around until he could find something to bandage his wounds with. Luckily before Iskata had left the woman had been smart enough to stock up on thing their healer might need and had stashed them in most of the main building in the packlands. He grabbed a wrap and some gauze before making his way back t the kitchen, his head starting to feel woozy as he dunked a cloth in the water and began cleaning the wound.

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