empty walls

Thanks; I really like yours, too!

i can't stop running away.

He smiled when she agreed with him, giving himself kudos for having made an intelligent statement. The shy boy actually congratulated himself often for doing things that made sense – so much about being a youngster just didn’t. He tended to put himself down more often than some his age did, but he did feel pride, and perhaps this would swell to make him a more stable and confident wolf than anyone in his family expected. He envied the girl he was following at the moment – she was so… smooth; he couldn’t think of any other word that properly described her. And kind, and pretty… he could go on and on.

But it was soon that they came upon a den-site; he hadn’t realized where she was taking him, he was just proud to be following her - this girl who was probably very well known among her pack mates. The willow tree looked odd, like it was trying to live but failing terribly. He spent a few seconds just staring at it, wisps of smoke drifting from the top. "Woah," he whispered in childish awe. She led him inside, where there were piles of rocks that held fires when she wanted them. At her suggestion, a huge smile erupted on his face – building a fire! What would Papa say about that? He’d be so proud.

"Yeah! I mean, sure, that sounds really great." He looked around as if this could tell him what steps he should take to help her. "What kinds of un-dangerous stuffs can I do?"


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