Karaoke and Kabuki
Ugh, Very sorry. x.x It took me way longer than it should have to reply.

He chuckled softly, when Sedition explained how his week as the tipsy-tender went. “Demanding job,” he commented. There was surely quite a list of occupational hazards associated with the job, most of which probably came from the uncertain behavior of a drunken wolf. Kieran lifted the tiny pink umbrella from his glass, twirling it in is fingers as Sedition mixed a drink for the lady. He wondered momentarily where she had come from.

Kieran watched the bartender reach out into his pack and set whatever it was he had grabbed down. The vaguely familiar sight of a joint greeted him from the counter top. He remembered a few of his old packmates had taken a liking to the drug. Most of the pack had wanted to ban the substance, but the few that enjoyed its effects hid the stash and kept it to themselves. Thus, Kieran never had the opportunity to sample the stuff or really form his own opinion of it. But honestly, he didn’t care whether someone chose to smoke it or not. It was called free will, and anyone could use it as they liked.

“What ya got there?” It wasn’t a scrutinizing or condescending question, just Kieran being curious and making sure he was correct in his assumption.

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