First Lady From the Plains
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Thud and wail. It was the noise that snapped Cercelee back into the real world and she turned to see a small figure, certainly not of Dahlian origin, sprawled out on the ground, apparently caught in one of Cercelee’s own holes. A wave of guilt flooded the female as she realized that was she was doing really was destructive and then it felt as if a stone dropped in her stomach. Colibri Haki was by the girl’s side and Cercelee slowly crept towards them. The girl, her cousins, her friend, noticed her and Cercelee smiled weakly. Coli, Coli, Coli. She had to fight the urge to attack the helpless lawn right at that moment. Not only would she look even more like a lunatic, it would really make the situation awkward.

“I’m well, how are you?” Her body posture was normal, friendly, her voice warm and flowing… a stark contrast to her physical appearance of dirt and grass clinging to her coat, almost unrecognizable as the Rosea or as Cercelee. Navy eyes moved down to the figure at her feet, the little girl, shifted and sprawled and Cercelee smiled at her warmly too. “Do you need some help?” Coli would be of more use, having hands currently while Cercelee had only four paws, but she offered.

Her eyes flitted back to Coli and internally she was at a lost. Anxious and awkward were only two of the words that could describe this meeting. They hadn’t much talked since Coli had come home, not since Cercelee had assaulted Haku for his sins against his daughter. She had never even told Coli that she had avenged her in such a manner. Perhaps it was because Cer needed to pretend what had happened between her Lilium and her best friend had never happened. Perhaps it was because she didn’t know how to deal with it. Avoidance was best and Cercelee would avoid the topic of why they weren’t speaking like they should as long as she could. Thankfully they had a nice little distraction. She turned to the girl who smelt heavily of Inferni and bowed her head. “I’m Cercelee, who might you be?”

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