Simple Design
Delayed again, I'm so sorry.

He raised an eyebrow, just trying to imagine what such a place would look like. With the unnatural plants, odd enclosures, and wide variety of animals living there, a strange sort of image of the place filled is head. “They kept animals there?” Those humans seemed crazier and crazier every time he learned something new about them. “It must have been an interesting place to live.” It was interesting to hear about, at least. He had no idea whether such a place could really make a good home for a pack. He couldn’t even be sure that she had liked living there. Something must have driven her to leave that strange place.

He listened as she spoken once more, feeling sorry for her as she spoke about her loneliness. But there was one thing that bothered him about what she said. “You say you’d be a burden? I find that a little hard to believe.” The girl was youthful an energetic… he couldn’t find any reason why she would claim to be a burden to a pack. There was something that was keeping her from joining a pack, enjoying the constant company of others. In his endless curiosity, he wanted to know what it was. He felt like he was prying a little into her life, but he couldn’t take back his question either way.

He noticed the slight rumble of he stomach and the look she had in her eyes as she watched the pigeon for a moment. “Hungry?” he asked, hoping that if he was being too invasive, the simple comment would steer them away from uncomfortable topics.

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