It's My Heart Your Dealing With

heyyy! it's been ages and ages <3

The day was warm and sunny, and the weather reminded Alacrity of home. Fluffy white clouds were rolling on the horizon, tossed cotton against a sea of blue. The clouds promised rain by evening, suggested by the strong water scent laced through the air. Alacrity was not yet accustomed to the bounty of water found everywhere on the 'souls landscape, and eagerly awaited the coming rain. Water tended to be scarce in the summer on the savannas of her youth and she would always watch for incoming storms with anticipation.

There was nothing exciting about her current state, however. She'd recently discovered this lush field of wildflowers and it hat quickly become one of her favorite haunts. The colors and scents pleasantly overloaded her senses, and there were plenty of odd birds for her to gawk at as they flew by (and many stared at her in return). Alacrity was dozing in a fragrant bed of wild mint when her over-large ears noted a rustle in the vegetation that could not be attributed to the wind or a small creature in the undergrowth. Standing and squinting against the sun, the foreign female attempted to locate her company.


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