aces high.
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Time spent in his mind passed the period of waiting by a little more hastily, though waiting was always such a long and mystifying thing. Gaël had never been fond of wasting time, but then again, the past few months spent wandering for a purpose they hadn't even been sure of had been plenty of wasted time... yet they had lost nothing. Nothing waited for them back in Aube de Musique other than memories and the aging faces that had tried to raise them but made no parental substitution for their real mother and father. Thomas, or what they could remember of the cranky man, had never been fond of the three mistakes his mate had been "blessed" with bearing; he'd never been much of a stepfather at all, in the end, but their real father hadn't exactly been a parental figure either. Nonetheless, the yearling's thoughts bored him, and he stifled a discreet yawn before noticing a number of small rocks at his feet that he hadn't seemed to notice before.

Some high-pitched, almost painful sound shrieked from nearby treetops; the caller's tone was almost familiar, though the bright-eyed boy could not find a name to match. He turned his head slowly, curious, before being pelted in the forehead with a small, hardly painful pebble that happily danced to the ground thereafter. Gaël sighed, recognizing the voice as belonging to a child, and called right back after it. "I'm only part wolf," he responded earnestly, ears flicking backward. He hated resembling his father.


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