aces high.
She clung to the tree like a koala as she attempted to shoot pebble after pebble at the beast on the borders. Each time she'd aimed another one his way she took a second to move further down the tree and closer to ground, incase the monster realized she was there and knew how to climb. She knew she probably wouldn't do much better on open ground but even though she was small she was quick and as tiny as she was she could easy fit down a fox hole or badger den where the large male would have a hard time getting to her. She had spent much time locating old abandoned dens of smaller mammals for just that reason. If that brute that had tried to make her dinner ever appeared again she'd be ready.. and if she had her way she'd make him pay.

Her mind shifted from the thoughts of revenge back to the figure before her as she realized that he'd spied her, or atleast calculated where her voice had come from. She was rather annoyed that her shots she'd fired hadn't done anything to harm the larger canine and she realized that she'd probably have to find something else to do damage with. Colibri had spoke of properties of plants and if used correctly they could make the gulls sick.. she bet that if she used more of the toxins she could make larger enemies sick too. A evil little grin spread across her face at the realization though was short lived as the male spoke up.

She glared out at the male through the branches and replied, "You're still a wolf!" Lowering herself down to the lowest branch she finally was able to clearly see the male as she pouted in disappointment. "Oh, it's you." Realizing who the wolf was now she picked at the bark of the tree as she asked. "What you want with clan?" She didn't like the idea of the wolf lingering so close to the borders but if she was lucky Gabriel or Ryan would come by and chase him off. She'd love to see that!

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