this sky, too, is folding under you
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Still waters run deep

Words: 521

It was not too dark that evening, not that it mattered to Ruri. The only way she could distinguish between day and night was the difference in temperature produced by either the presence or absence of the sun. That, however, was not a very reliable system as some evenings were just as warm as the day and vice versa. Still, she had been sleeping for a moment before being awoken by yet another bad dream. The only thing that showed her lack of sleep were the darkened rings around her useless, pale blue eyes. Other than that, her face was still as bright and happy as ever. She didn't want the others to worry about her. After all they had all done so much for her already. She didn't want to add another problem by revealing how upset she was. Standing up from her spot on the floor, the girl stretched her stiff limbs carefully, not wanting to tweak any of her sore muscles. She found that trying to sleep in her lupus form was more comfortable than her optime form, especially while sleeping on the cushionless floor. Not that she cared, mind you, she was glad for a place to stay, but it was a lot easier for her to curl up into a comfortable position in her four legged form than in her bipedal form.

So, now that she was awake, she took a moment to shift forms, figuring she'd go outside and try to sort out her thoughts. The fragile femme's body lurched slightly as she focused on her shift. Several muffled cracks signaled her bones rearranging, and her sore muscles protested uncomfortably as they too rearranged themselves to suit her shift. Her mane changed into the long, straight hair that flowed down to just above her tail. She brushed her long bangs out of her face out of habit before feeling her way towards the door. As quietly as possible, she opened it and slipped out into the night. Standing on the porch, Ruri paused to analyze the environment outside. Her half-folded ears perked and tuned to any sounds nearby and her nostrils flared as she inhaled the numerous scents that the cool evening breeze carried to her. One scent that reached her was quite familiar, and it made a smile crawl onto her white furred muzzle. "Haven..." she whispered to herself, before carefully stepping off the porch. Her dainty form moved along silently and carefully across the terrain until she believed she was far enough away from the house to speak normally without rousing any of her roommates. "Haven, is that you? Where are you?" She called, her white tiped tail wagging back and forth expectantly. The strength of his scent told the blind girl that he was out in front of her somewhere, but where she could not tell without hearing him speak. So, she waited, one hand keeping her bangs from blowing into her face and the other hanging limp at her side. Her ears were focused straight ahead, hoping to detect where the male was as soon as he uttered a reply.


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