goodbye yellow brick road - p
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Savina had often wondered as she noticed their personalities and temperaments develop how they were each so different. Amata was almost the polar opposite of Cambria. The cream girl was extremely talkative and never cautious around strangers (which she had to admit, worried the mother a little). She always wanted to play or explore or do something exciting. The darker girl on the other hand preferred to always be right beside her parents. She was very wary around strangers and had a much calmer temperament. Then there was Gotham who was a little bit in the middle of his two sisters. So far their experiences had all been the same and yet they reacted to it so differently.

The news that this lady knew both her momma and her daddy made Cambria feel more comfortable. She looked up at mother and Savina gave her nod. Unsteadily getting to her feet the chocolate pup waddled over to join her brother and sister in front of the gray lady. She looked up at her with big, doleful eyes and her tail wagged tentatively. "Whaass ou names aginss?" She had been a little too distracted before to take note of that, but now she felt more comfortable. Besides, her mommy wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

If possible Amata's eyes grew even wider at Geneva's words. "Oooohhh woooowsss! Ssewiouslys?" The pup bounced on her little paws, this was all too exciting! Gotham rolled his eyes. It was impossible for any of them to have noticeably grown in such a short time. He would say something, but Amata would just argue with him and wouldn't back down. It would have been a waste of breath. Savina chuckled lightly, always amused by her light daughter's exuberance.


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