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Although she sometimes chose to ignore them, the girl was very quick to notice social cues. In this situation, there was only so much time she could spend lingering at some distance before things became awkward--sooner or later, it would be appropriate to either approach or continue along her way. She watched carefully as he looked over toward her, and she flicked an ear curiously at his indifference. Well, he had definitely seen her, right? He certainly didn't appear upset, so she moved closer and took a seat at an appropriate spot. Her tail curled neatly across her forepaws and she tilted her head back to see his face (she supposed some might even find it queer that she chose to interact with others in such different states--bipedal or quadruped).
"Neat tattoos," she offered--the principle reason for her interest. It was spoken casually, although the genuine interest in her gaze hopefully made it clear that it was a compliment. She traced out the darker patterns on his light fur freely, and she made no effort to hide this. She had a theory on "these sorts" of wolves, anyway. "Don't stare" (as at the weirdos with bright pink fur) had to be the stupidest advice she was ever given by her parents. If they didn't want to be noticed, they wouldn't have made themselves so noticeable--and if they hadn't thought of that, it wasn't her problem. It wasn't as though being a bit strange or different was anything to be ashamed of, anyway. As far as she could tell, the normal folks were boring. Maybe this guy had some crazy stories to share.

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