just below the radar
He couldn't believe how stubborn she was being on the subject but he could just dig his heels in as well. The male shook his head and watched the girl as she tried to find some way of flipping his own metaphor around to fit how she viewed herself. "One dying flower only needs to be nurtured and properly tended to.." he glanced away from her as he went on. "..And they need to stop believing they aren't worthy of being a glorious addition to the world." he ended his words with a soft innocent humming of some unknown tune as he acted like he hadn't just told her flat out to let the world see her beauty.

He tried to act like he didn't catch the stole glance cast his way as they strolled on, some aimless trail through the packlands with all the time in the world on their side. He never really thought much on his teasing ways and if it caused a stir of emotions in the women he teased and taunted. Then again he just assumed if they liked him they'd come right out and make a show of it, so this far with not attention he'd figured he was just unlucky with the girls. Flattered didn't always get you everywhere.

The soft words of the girl reached his ears as he turned towards her with a soft smile on his lips. "Of course, I ran away from home to explore the lands afar.. well, not too far. I have a fear of boats.. I think." He knew that wasn't the reason he hadn't ventured further off than the lands of North America, but it didn't matter in the end. He had explored and he had returned, now he was walking step by step alongside the lovely lady beside him and getting nowhere with his silly little flirtatious ways.

His eyes that trailed over the woman seemed to laugh softly as the lady turned her face away. He smiled softly at the words she spoke but he didn't agree with her, instead he just shook his head and watched the birds that flitted about, diving into the grasses and darting through the trees. "Try telling me that again, you might convince me.. one day." He winked at the woman as he chuckled. "Would you have been so adventurous if you'd been alone, if I hadn't whisked you away to travel the lands?" He doubted that she would have but he wouldn't correct her if she stated else wise, not today at least.

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