Times of Healing

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
thanks for starting, and sorry for the wait :]

He had finally left the city. It felt nice to have soft even ground beneath his paws, and air that was fresh and held none of the stale lingering stench of what Heath could imagine humans smelled like. If it was or not was unknown to the male, but it was his best guess. He had ventured into the dark concrete realm after meeting his father. The murderer. The rapist. He had been angry, enraged at the sight of him. The memories played in the dark crowded mind he possessed, and he remembered all the evil that gave him life. It had been carried with him for his entire existence, and nothing seemed to change with the reunion. He was still angry and unhappy. But it was all in a different way. His father was nothing like what he had expected. Knowing this, knowing that he was nothing but a shell of the crazed wolf he once had been Heath despised him still. Forgiveness was not possible.

He chose his Optime form as he scoured the coast. Wearing no clothes the male looked to the clouded sky with suspicion. He was sure that at any moment the atmosphere would open its grey curtains and shower him with buckets of rainwater. There were moment when he wished for a coat or even a hat, but they were confining and awkward on his thin frame. Giving silent prayers to a god he had no faith in, Heath hoped the clouds would be merciful on his exposed form. The ocean was easily heard as he made his way though the scattered woodland that edge the water. It was easy to find comfort with the soft and gentle sound. It was non-threatening presence, and if the male was soft enough to believe it, a friend.

The distant ocean call wasn’t the only thing that came to his keen ears. The trees were filled with the chatter of winged beasts, sounding his presence to each other in a language that was nothing more then high-pitched annoyance. His mind was so scattered that the male indulged in the insolent idea that they spoke of his untidy hair, or the hunched gait he walked with. Straitening his shoulders at the wayward thought Heath brought golden eyes to a place that may have been lost in his endless wandering. Black nose told him of the presence of another, a female, by the structure that laid half hidden among the green foliage. It was curiosity that brought her to his attention, but loneliness he refused to admit he felt that brought him closer.

Silently he walked forward, his eyes looking for the creature that caught the attention of his nose.

table by erin


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