First Lady From the Plains
Zana had not expected to be bombarded with strangers but here she was and they seemed to appear from all around her. Her eyes grew wide as she heard someone say her name, wiping her head around she caught sight of Colibri and gave a cry as she reached out towards the lady who had visited her on the beach so long ago. "HELP!" She wailed, she was a little too old to be demanding to be picked up but she needed saved and Colibri was the one she knew, plus she didn't look crazy like the white wolf did.

She stood there with her arms upraised as Colibri suddenly seemed to forget all about Zana and actually turned to talk to the monster who'd been setting all the Zana sized traps across the ground. She slowly dropped her arms down as tears came to her eyes, thinking that the stranger was going to eat her now and Colibri was going to let her. Sniffling to herself she watched as the wolf came closer towards her, her own hindleg still stuck wedged under the root as she was forced to stay.

When the blue eyed stranger began to talk to her Zana leaned towards Colibri, trying to show the other woman that she didn't like her none to well at this moment as she gave another tug on her leg and finally sadly admitted. "Yeah.." She really didn't want to accept the help of the lady who'd trapped her in the first place but it looked like she had no choice of Colibri wasn't going to pick her up!

She watched with distrust as the two spoke above her, the conversation required no words from her right now but she still wanted to make certain she wasn't missing out on anything, like if the crazy lady was about to make her into dinner or a delicate desert. She flicked her ears back as she eyed one and then the other, finally her thistle eyes moving back to the white woman as she graced her with a name. Wringing and worrying at her hands she spoke softly, still not wanting to really have to talk to the wolf. "I'm Zana.." she said before asking quickly. "You're not gonna eat me are you?" it was better to get the question out of the way really early in the conversation. She really was tired of all the stupid wolves trying to eat her.

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