makes me kinda nervous to say so

bumpFusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.


By Avarice de Sadira


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!! out of character.

the public don’t dwell on my transmission

His mood had been better, uplifted lately, his confidence improving. The arm which had been troubling him was almost completely healed, and but for some stiffness, didn't seem to be causing him problems. Now he had taken to exploring the territory and marking the prey patterns. Giggle didn't know much for pack protocol, but he figured he'd have to figure it out to uphold his duties. The hybrid tucked his notebook into his side bag and headed back towards the mansion with his letting his mind cheerfully wander over the things he'd need to do in the near future.

In front of the mansion was a woman, whom he noticed at the pack meeting but didn't know. Giggle came up behind her but stepped aside, not wanting to seem as though he were creeping up on her. There was a pause before he spoke, as he fixed his hair back into a ponytail. The headphones from the CD player were around his neck, although he still hadn't figured out how to make it work. 'Hey,' the Scorpius spoke softly, watching her. 'Weather's nice, huh?'


by myself.


i'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

ooc|| here ya go!<3 Whisper Beach. Oh, and Gig is optime like usual.

Fear would not hold him back. He would not allow himself to fall into a self-indulging pit simply because he had been kicked around by a couple of bitches. Although he found himself suddenly cautious around borders he might've ignored before, and going out of his way to avoid Dalia's, Giggle knew it would be unhealthy for him to obsess. So the coyote headed off from Inferni, in his possession a copy of a how to speak Italian book and a small journal, with self-made covers. He was comfortable in his skin although still bitterly wished the purple was gone (even if Tal loved it).

A worn sign greeted him on his way to Whisper Beach. He barely glanced at it, but continued forward until he reached the silky sands. Giggle thought his favorite thing about this place (that was, all the packs and the neutral territories combined) were the beaches. The ocean was fine, but he loved the sandy expanses, devoid of trees and bushes. Since his arrival at Inferni, the hybrid had set about making himself more useful and had devoted much of his time to the library he had met Corona in. Fishing was something he had wanted to try, but he had no boat- and with his right arm still out of commission, it was out of the question. For now, he'd have to settle for reading.


by myself.


<3 all you guys.

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Strange, how there were no hellos or goodbyes between them anymore. Geneva seemed to appear in his life at such convenient and inconvenient times that it had stopped occurring to him; her arrivals and departures all seemed to flow together, and the fact that he was always wondering how she might react to the things he did made it so it seemed she never left him at all. He realized then that it had been weeks since they'd seen each other... but with all that had been going on in his life, he'd been too busy to even notice. She stepped in front of him and looked him in the eye--at first, he looked away, but his gaze shot back immediately thereafter.

She was... covered in scars.

"Wh..." He started, expression rapidly shifting to sheer, almost wordless admonishment at the change. His mouth hung agape for a few seconds before he caught himself, voice suddenly springing back to a level a bit more reminiscent of his normal self. "What happened to you?! You're covered in..." Scars. Just like himself, though she was nowhere near as gruesome and ugly as he. His green eye, wide and freaked, searching her for answers. Why hadn't she come to him for help? Why hadn't she told him what had happened--especially if it was with another member of his pack? Was it because he was... unapproachable? The cyclops's green eye thinned painfully as he shook his head: "Why didn't you..." ...tell me? Somehow, he couldn't finish his sentences. He was shocked, shaken--out of the mist he'd been in, somehow, that he wasn't about to look back on just yet. He didn't want to talk about it. That was enough. It didn't occur to him that he was acting strangely, that he was showing concern. It didn't occur to him that she'd pick up on it and accuse him of being soft. When had she gotten so hurt?


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"We've got something new"

Was sie lesen, kam nicht ganz so große Überraschung, Jefferson, dass vieles von dem, was sie geschrieben hatte bereits zugegeben, die ihm die eine oder andere Weise oder die Zyklopen gesehen hatte und herausgefunden, in seinem Kopf, ohne die Verwendung von Wörtern. Genf war unglaublich ausdrucksstark - ihre Angst, ihre Freude, ihre Wut war unmöglich für sie zu kaschieren, zumindest von ihm. Er hatte sich mit der Funktionsweise ihrer Ausdrucksformen, was hergestellt werden sollen, welche cooed auf sie und was erleichtert ihnen entfernt. Aber warum war Jefferson auch Mühe zu lernen? Warum wurde er beginnt zu handeln, so dass er keinen Einfluss auf ihr Unrecht? Wann hatte er immer gepflegt genug zu tun?

So wie sie sich das erste Mal, das Bekenntnis, dass sie wollte, um zu sehen, ihn wieder auf, da kam noch eine Überraschung und falsche Begriff. Seine finster blicken verlängert eher, dass, wenn er sich weigerte, auch versuchen glauben. Obwohl, wenn sie weiter und berichtet ihm als unmöglich zu verstehen und zu begreifen, den Zyklopen stieß seinem Rücken weiter in den Stuhl, gaben ihm die Augen, und versuchte sich zu entspannen. Er versuchte, um die Worte, er versuchte, um sie besser klingen, als sie haben. Er war ... unmöglich. Das Tier wusste, dass es wahr ist, sondern gehasst zu denken, der es als solches. Für eine lange, als er sagte nichts, die alte, nicht so finster blicken gewöhnlichen verdunkelbar und düster, wie es normalerweise wurde. Stattdessen wird die Stirn runzeln schien ... hohl. Leer ist, vielleicht. Traurig. "Du bist ein guter Schriftsteller," wurde alles, was er konnte murmeln in der Mitte von seinen Gedanken. Es war das einzige, was er denken könnte die Antwort innerhalb der stormclouds und Bächen.


sabeen graphics /too lazy to log out now

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum imperdiet, turpis vitae pulvinar ullamcorper, arcu risus ultrices est, id molestie enim mauris vitae sem. Etiam rutrum, leo eu congue mollis, mi erat congue tortor, nec tincidunt urna enim quis sem. "Vivamus rhoncus eros non justo ultrices nec dictum purus sagittis. Ut vitae eros nulla." Suspendisse eu mi vel metus egestas tempor iaculis ut nunc. Morbi sit amet tortor leo. Integer vestibulum nibh viverra neque faucibus ac bibendum magna vehicula. Etiam diam nisl, hendrerit ut accumsan a, interdum ut dui. Nam non lacus eget urna cursus feugiat ac at erat. Aliquam laoreet est in sapien ultricies tristique. Integer volutpat ultrices placerat. Pellentesque interdum eros quis tortor facilisis in feugiat quam blandit. Maecenas porttitor malesuada luctus. Duis arcu eros, blandit et ornare et, interdum vel ligula. Sed vel lectus vitae nunc vulputate euismod ac ac ipsum.

Donec sagittis sapien eget urna mattis at sagittis libero fermentum. Vivamus adipiscing, tortor at pharetra imperdiet, sem sapien tincidunt nunc, a porttitor lacus erat a odio. Maecenas mauris tortor, vehicula ut aliquam et, scelerisque eu dui. Cras eget ante vitae magna tincidunt feugiat. Nam tempus dolor nec magna iaculis ac tempus mi luctus. Integer et neque tellus. Curabitur venenatis condimentum dui quis fringilla. Curabitur tempor tempus leo at fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur ut leo a leo sagittis fermentum non ac nunc. Praesent tincidunt, tortor at dignissim vehicula, turpis mauris pharetra turpis, ac euismod dui lacus ut urna. Maecenas lacinia nisi sit amet est malesuada tincidunt. Morbi vestibulum fringilla eros vitae luctus. Proin tortor enim, convallis non dapibus at, sodales sit amet orci.


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