enemy minds
Zana could not believe that the older woman was acting so stupid. She just wanted to be taken to her brother, granted she had told the lady she had a fat ass, but she'd almost sat on her and squashed her like a bug! The little girl glowered at the woman as she stated that she could outrun the girl but she didn't feel like it just now. Zana huffed and growled, "You just has a fat ass. That's a sorry excuse." She picked up a stick off the ground and eyed the woman for a moment before trying to swat at her with the branch. "Yous too fat to catch me! See! I'm quicker than you!" She tauntingly swatted at the lady again, like a horsefly biting at the rump, always flitting away before the lash of the tail came.

"I is ZANA!" She screamed. Her eyes seemed to bulge out of her face as she stared at the lady. She kept telling her that she would not help her and it made her anger rise. She dropped the stick and held her little peashooter to her chest, giving the lady a wicked little smug look as she cooed. "I'll show you.." She scurried off into the thick bushes that bordered the side of the trail as she began to load the peashooter with one of the tiny darts she'd made for it. The dart hadn't been laced with any drugs yet but she knew that the sharp prick of the sharp end would be quite painful, if she didn't hit the lady she still had a pouch filled with pebbles to cause plenty of trouble.

She finished loading the dart and took aim from the cover of the bushes at the tannish gold lady's rump. She'd make her see just how deserving she had been of her assistance, and if she still didn't get it, she's just follow her through the packlands giving her what she deserved until she drove the poor lady insane.

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