Easily forgotten
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The warrior walked silently in the woods. She had left behind the boarders of Dahlia de Mai, passing into those unclaimed lands to patrol as she was accustom to doing. The wounds inflicted by Brennt had healed, leaving behind faint and even fainter traces upon her skin that hid beneath her fur. Her mind lingered momentarily upon Sankor and upon Ril’o, but only briefly did she allow herself to dwell on such things; social occurrences were not within her range of duty. Indeed, her being the Adonis had indeed required that she come to know each member, but Sankor had kept her away, and it was not her place to pry. It was her place to protect those of the pack, and so she had wandered once more into these unclaimed lands once more. Her senses alert, she searched now for Palindrome, but she searched also for her father, that ever present darkness within her mind. She wondered how near and how often he had come to the Dahlian boarders, making himself known to others save for herself. She felt that soon the time would come to confront him, but that time had not yet come.

For a moment the woman paused, sniffing the air and the leaves but finding no scent or trace of the missing pup. Bearing no weapon, the woman easily traveled through the woods, unencumbered by the weapons that could have been borne. Having passed by the trails that would lead to Halifax, the woman had considered traveling there, desiring the company of that male. And yet she had not, for she had her duties as well and it was not proper for her to display selfish desires and to set aside her obligation for such a thing. With a soft smile she had bypassed that concrete jungle. And now, moving through the forest, the woman caught another sent, a familiar scent that no longer belonged to her pack. For a moment, the woad marked warrior considered leaving, but there was a mild curiosity within that mind. She wondered how the girl fared, and she did not think that Svara would poise a threat so far from the packlands. Quietly, the woman followed that trail with the ease of a tracker, a thing she had acquired on her travels in the North.

She found the young woman leaning upon her staff. The woad bound maw caught the sent of fresh blood upon her, but it was not in a great amount. Cwmfen had approached from the front, silent and yet not unknown for the direct approach that had been made. The fluid movements of the warrior ceased at a comfortable distance as those white orbs looked upon the other she had once taken under her wing. There was a silence that she allowed to persist, unknowing of how the red hued girl would react. Quietly, without a smile, the woman called quietly, that soft melody dancing with golden feet upon the warm air. "It’s been a while." And indeed it had. Many events had transpired, some significant and others not. She was sure that the same could be said of the creature before her, but whether a quiet conversation would be allowed to persist was not up to her.


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