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The Marino man smiled at Haven’s enthusiastic response to his request. Now he had something else to look forward to in the coming weeks. His smile worked its way into a grin at the kid’s complements, a slight laugh accompanying it. He offered another thanks to the boy, glad to hear that Haven had faith in him to be a good uncle. Watching Naniko’s boy work on securing his guitar in its case, his thoughts began to drift to the future. He wondered briefly just how many nieces and nephews he would end up with before Haven’s words brought him back to the present.

The chocolate-hued male led the way outside, listening as Haven questioned him about what cribs look like. He pulled an image of one from his memory, silent for a moment as he thought about how to describe it. “Well… you have seen the beds in the mansion, right?” he asked as he side-stepped an old, knocked-over trash can. Amber gaze shifted toward the boy for a moment before focusing once more on the roads ahead. “Think of a smaller bed, with some… bars, I guess, around it. Keeps babies in the bed when they’re still really little, I think.” It was a little difficult to describe it considering the few examples he had seen of them himself, but he hoped it would be enough to allow the Aatte boy to get some sort of image.

Ehno continued gazing around at the shops as they walked, hoping to spot something that would appear useful. The majority of the storefronts so far were packed with trinkets and knick-knacks that would be interesting to stop and examine, but altogether useless for the goal he had in mind. Up ahead, the street they traveled on seemed to curve to the right, hiding more shops past the turn. Maybe one of the buildings down there would have what he was looking for.

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