streets are uneven when you're down
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Everything Vukasin perceived about the Aatte youth was correct. He had always been a confident and happy pup. Sure of himself and that his future was going to be great. Now all of that was gone. His whole world had shattered beneath his paws that day. It had already been crumbling, with finding out that his mothers were no longer together, but that day it had all gone away. It had become ash around him and blown away by a cruel wind. Now he was lost, as lost as he had ever been. He had no future now, at least not as he saw it.

What was he going to do about it? What the hell could he do about it? He had just learned that he was the nearly identical spawn of a rapist bastard. For all he knew he was the same as the man in more than just looks. "I'm going to hide away. Make sure I never hurt anyone." What else could he do? Haven couldn't bare the thought of ever doing such horrible things to anyone. Since he didn't know if he was capable of it the only answer was to lock himself up to make sure that he never got the chance.


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