Times of Healing

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I’m ruling our timing for replies will always be perfect, no matter what it is :]

Golden eyes took in the sight before him, broken by the trees that guarded it. The small house was wood made, and showed the years that had it accumulated. He looked to the roof, and found that it was sufficient and withstood the time and weather the coastal gusts would bring, but it was discolored by the battering rain. His gaze drifted downward, and his approach became slow as he saw the thing that caught the attention of his nose. It was her voice that made him pause, the caution and confusion that it held awakening a part of the male that he hadn’t know existed. With the question the male noticed the slightest hint of power in the words. It made for the unease that he noticed lived in her limbs.

The part woke with a pressing hand, making him stop his advance completely. It told him to answer her promptly and be generous with the information she had asked for. My name is Heath. He spoke with the same projection that she had given. His voice faded into the forest that surrounded them, and he took the moment to look her over. She was unlike any color he had ever seen, the dotted pattern of blue and gray masked the cuts and scarps that he body visibly felt as she moved. Honey hued orbs looked to her face, and Heath unknowing took a few steps forward to see her eyes clearly. They were the color of a faded sky, but felt the clear glint of the cleanest placid water. The male swallowed, touching his ragged mane and fought to find the words to express a feeling he had never truly encountered. I didn’t mean to frighten you. The yearling wasn’t usually one for apologies.

table by erin


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