aces high.
Is it cool if I throw Ryan in here? Don't know if you guys had plotted otherwise.[html] ... purple.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Zana. She knew it right away. The voice was light, high pitched – a child. For a split second, Ryan feared that it was Valkyrie calling out for her. But no, she was able to tell after clearing away the panic that it was the little Lykoi girl. She wasn’t sure what the call meant, but it made her worried. Something about the edge to that call… were the gulls at it again?

Ryan tore away from her sewing, racing towards the child’s voice. She knew it would be much faster if she were to shift to four legs, but she found it much more awkward to move like that. There was no transition period when switching forms, but now it seemed as if Optime was just more natural – a well oiled machine, whereas her other forms were rusty. As she ran, the hem of her dress billowed around her thighs, arms pumping to allow her to run faster. Her mind was racing, thinking of different situations the girl could have possibly gotten herself into. If it were those gulls again… Ryan let a low growl rumble in her throat. Those things never seemed to leave the girls alone.

She slowed her pace when Zana finally came into view after what seemed like forever. How long had it taken her to make it there? The adrenaline that had fueled her forward began to recede slightly when Ryan noticed that Zana didn’t look too distressed. There was a stranger, yes, but they had kept there distance. Hopefully this was just a simple case of a wanderer looking for a home. But if he put even one finger on Zana... boy, would he get it!

"Is everything alright?" She addressed the girl, eyeing Gaël warily. He was big, yes, but didn’t look entirely threatening with his current stance.


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