Subterranean Homesick Blues
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As he looked at his dear sister every feeling of guilt at leaving his family behind without a word rose up in his chest. He had only done it to try and protect them but still it hadn't been right. He knew how worried they must have been about him, especially Mati. He had been trying to spare them any pain but maybe he had only made things worse. Tears welled up unbidden in his eyes. As she placed her hand on his arm the hot tears ran freely down his face. "Mati...I'm so sorry..." I never meant to hurt you. Once again he had failed at being her protector. Once again he had let her down.

"It's our's so much worse than I thought..." The fear of becoming his sire had crippled him. He was terrified of resembling the man in more than just looks. Haven didn't know if he could bring himself to say anymore. He didn't want what had happened to him to happen to her. All he wanted was for her to be safe and happy and if he told her the truth then it could ruin her world just as it had his. "He did horrible things Mati, horrible. You saw how I look like him...what if I could do those things too." He could feel his hands shaking and his pulse increase.


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