aces high.
The small girl watched him wearily as he tried to explain things to her. Speaking of his mother just reminded her of her own sorry excuse for a parent. Her ears pinned back against her skull as she asked, "They when isn't she here instead of you. I doubt thinks you looks like much to be proud of.." She nipped at the end of one of her nails as he continued on, the conversation turning to his father's bloodlines as well as she put up her weapon in the little pouch as she steady herself on the large bottom limb of the tree.

She was rather surprised when the male began to cower down as she called out for one of the leaders. If he wanted to be here so much why in the world was he so afraid. She shook her head as he once again tried to assure her that he was not a wolf, that he did not want to be a wolf. She scratched at the back of her neck as she questioned. "You can't unmake yourselves. You wolf, you stuck wolf!" She nodded at the male as she went back to picking at the tree's bark while they waited.

She was almost disappointed when Ryan showed up but she just smiled slightly and called out. "I founds a wolf and he wants to stay.. but I don't want to keep him!" She knew that she was being childish, she had no say in the whole thing but she still was going to say what she had to say. She glanced back to Gael as she whispered to Ryan. "I won't be mad if you want to keep him though.." but that didn't mean she wouldn't terrorize him when she had the chance, that just came with being part of the family.

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