this sky, too, is folding under you
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Still waters run deep

Ruri listened quietly to Haven's explanation of his predicament. How horrible, to learn that one's father was a rapist and a murderer. That seemed like a just reason to be upset. However, Haven's continued reasons for his current state did not make sense to the mongrel girl. She turned away for a second, her brow furrowed in deep thought. She had to say something. Haven was destroying himself for no good reason, at least not one that she could think of. Just because he looked like his father and shared his bloodline didn't mean that he was going to grow up and become a murdering rapist just like him. To think that was just silly. "Haven...I'm sorry about your father. I understand being upset about finding out what he did...but you're not him. Pardon my saying so, but so what if you look like him?" The usually happy and joyful girl was being deliberately direct in her manner of speaking. "You are not your father, nor will you ever be. You saved me, and you're a compassionate, caring, friendly person. That is not the character of a rapist or a murderer," she continued, doing her best to keep her voice low so as not to wake up the trio of sleeping individuals in the cabin a couple hundred feet away. "To hide away and destroy yourself with rum over the simple fear of becoming your father is the least proactive thing you could be doing to prevent such an outcome in your life. Life is about choices! Good or bad, we decide what we want to be and what we don't want to be. You don't want to be like your father! Then don't be like your father," she exclaimed, her soprano voice carrying a serious tone. "Be Haven...the gallant, compassionate individual you are!" She finished, slowly reaching her hand over and placing it on his shoulder encouragingly. "You should meet my friend Jac, when he gets here. He'll show you that looks have nothing to do with who you can be. He only has one arm, and he's a king!" The blind girl smiled reassuringly. She hoped Haven wouldn't be put off by her words. She hadn't meant them to upset him or drive him away. The ivory and slate girl only wanted to help him.


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