a song and dance invisible

.......Smile The Working Fields.


.......The sun was scaling the horizon, climbing through the clouds as if they were a set of stairs and lighting each one with a deep incarnadine light. These lands were particularly beautiful in the early morning, Hemming had noted, and for the last few days he had been waking early to catch these precious moments. Wild grasses swayed in the gentle wind, and the gray wolf parted them with a hand to pass through them. He had spent a fair bit of time venturing throughout AniWaya territory to try to get a grasp on the size and scope of the place, but his explorations had not yet done justice to the village and the areas around it.

.......As he was wading through the grasses, an odd scent reached his nostrils. It was almost like the wapiti that grazed in the field, but a mustier, more concentrated scent. The male perked his ears a little and paid more attention to his surroundings. It was quite easy for him to get lost in his mind, and he did it readily, often not realizing he had. Thoughts, usually just airy daydreams, would drift through his head and he would follow their path, losing track of everything real besides the pleasant breeze and the rosy light. Now, he tightened his mental leash and kept his eyes open.

.......Following the scent led him to a building, and he noted it on his imaginary map. There was a fire burning in the distance, which he had noticed within the first few hours of being a tribesmember, and using its position he was able to orient himself a little better. Hemming did not have the best sense of direction, and seeing these landmarks helped quite a bit. He navigated around what seemed to him to be a field for crops, avoiding stepping anywhere it looked like things might grow, and headed toward the stables.

.......The sounds of horses were quite obvious now, but the wolf did not recognize them. He drew closer, curiously, and peered into the building through an open doorway. Kept up in the stable were some kind of creature, and though Hemming wasn't able to say exactly what they were, he would tentatively label them as domestic horses. A little too nervous to actually go in - he did not doubt these were strong animals - Hemming leaned on the doorway and chimed, "Hello darlings," as a means of acknowledgement.


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