Times of Healing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Sorry for the wait. I have no decent excuse other than being lazy. Words:324

The fragile girl continued to lean against the wall of the house, although her posture relaxed once the male introduced himself. She detected nothing negative emanating from his voice, and that eased her fears quite a bit. When he apologized for frightening her, she smiled in an embarrassed manner. "I-it's a pleasure to meet you, Heath; and, you don't need to apologize. It's my fault for not paying closer attention to my surroundings," she admitted, before introducing herself,"My name is Ruri...Ruri Aceline." Her soprano voice trembled slightly as she was still embarrassed that she had been caught off guard by Heath's arrival.

Normally she would have smelled him coming from quite a distance away. Her depression over the absence of her friend Jacquez was not only affecting her emotions anymore. Standing up straight, the Border collie dog brushed her long bangs out of her face once more, her pale blue eyes flitting about in the direction of Heath's voice. She would never be able to look directly at him, but at least she could offer some sort of eye contact, or so she hoped. "What brings you here?" she inquired, wanting to break the awkward silence that had followed her introduction. Normally she would be far more adept at striking up a conversation with someone. It was in her nature to be friendly, but today she was having difficulties with everything it seemed. Hopefully this would not deter her new acquaintance. She did enjoy having some company while Firefly, Svara and Leroy were out and about. So, with one hand still propped up against the side of the cabin and the other keeping her long straight hair from blowing in her face, she waited quietly for the male’s response. What had brought him here? Perhaps it was the ocean. She could understand that. The fragile girl had always loved the scent of the salt water, when she wasn’t almost drowning in it of course.


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