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The stupid child was right, in the end: he was not his mother. He didn't have her strength or charisma, and one way or another, he'd grown to resemble his father in more ways than one. Not one of the three siblings had managed to inherit their mother's gentleness and all three had ended up with some sort of temper and a darkness in the aura that followed them. Gaël wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to change who he was or become the gentle thing his mother had been, but in the world they lived in now, he wouldn't have survived. Their father needed to be taken care of--and without the temper his father handed down, Gaël wouldn't have been able to do it. After all, Aurelie hadn't been able to, either.

He didn't respond to the child's words, holding his thick silence until a soul responded to the shriek she'd sent out: a female with seemingly gentle eyes, much to the yearling's relief. She sent him the most suspicious of stares after questioning him quickly, only to have his answers stupidly given by the unknowing child. His ears flicked back as she spoke and the boy's turquoise eyes rolled, breathing a small sigh before straightening up to face the leader that had approached. "...What s'ee said," he said quietly, voice thick with accent. Eyes strayed to the ground a moment, ashamed of the fingers pointed at him, but quickly returned. "...But I'm mostly coyote, not wolf. My fahder..." He trailed off, then shook his head and lowered his stance, awkward and new to such things as respect and... begging. "My name is Gaël, ma'am." He was trying, though.


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