The colour (and shape!) of magic


........ She whined and was rotated ninety degrees so that the world seemed right again. She wriggled slightly, feeling a slight annoyance, a completely new feeling to the normally lovable child. This man was weird. Magic rock was not a magic rock, but an egg with a snakes inside. She had been partly right though, because the thing inside the rock like object had definitely been alive, and had not been particularly pretty. Noir was not an unkind soul, she accepted and understood that not everyone could be as cute as herself, and if this was how ugly babies were treated, there was no wonder why they became mean. This man was a bit mean as well, and the Aston child silently pondered if he had been ugly and hairless as well.

He was no superhero. ”Baby snakes did not hurt Noir, not mean!” Who would ever want to hurt her? She was always nice to everyone. The adult believed that Noir’s mother would kiss him, but that was a silly thing to think! First off, he was weird, and secondly, Noir was so going to tell on him. ”Mommy not kiss Ho-man, she is too pretties.” This was true. Now when she looked more closely at him, he did look a bit like her, only that her mother was the best. She decided she should make this clear. ”Mommy looks like you, just pretty and mommy-like and pretty red and blue eyes not light poo.” Comparing his eye colour to poo was not a consciously mean comment. She just was out of other words to use.


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