aces high.
The small girl peered down at Gael as he voiced his own words to correct her information she'd handed off to Ryan. She gave a scowl his way as he seemed to get Ryan's attention and she began to ask him her own questions. Zana's small tail flipped back and forth in agitation as she waited to see what was going to happen. She voiced her option as the two of them talked it out below. "If he has family he should be with them!" Which was actually ironic to be coming from the girl since her own family was spread near and far and she'd taken up in the one lands that her family believed she didn't belong.

She sat her rump down on the tree limb and played with her little peashooter, wondering if she'd get another chance to practice on the wolf while Ryan wasn't looking. She sighed to herself as it seemed that she was going to be stuck living in the same lands as the wolf but she didn't voice her thoughts this time around. She'd have someone to harass atleast, Val didn't seem to like the little games Zana played when she'd shoot pebbles at the animals and make them cry out in pain if she managed to shoot them. Maybe she could find someone who didn't mind harassing others when they deserved it, and this wolf really deserved it, thinking he belonged in Inferni.

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