streets are uneven when you're down
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Mind wrapping this up?

At the laughter that the dark man suddenly burst into a fire sparked in the youth's eyes. What was so goddamn funny? Nothing! Nothing about his situation was funny and it enraged him that this guy was insensitive enough to laugh at him. It was more than just a small chuckle too, the guy was actually wrapping his arms around his sides and tears were coming from his mismatched eyes. The fur along Haven's spine began to rise and he clenched his jaw. This wasn't funny. It wasn't funny at all.

The anger that had begun to well up in his chest made the diatribe Vukasin went off on only white noise to the boy's ears. His fingers grasped his bottle tighter and he simply glared at the man. When his mouth finally decided to shut was when Haven spoke. "Get out." It wasn't a request. His voice was low and menacing, to match his body. He wasn't going to sit here and be laughed at. This wolf needed to leave.


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