There will be flower power
She hadn't expected that stupid male to have turned his attack from Noir to her but she hadn't been quick enough an the male had managed to bite down across her hip, grabbing her whole hindleg in the process. She had deep pockmarks where his fangs had sliced through her tender flesh and deep into her muscle. It still hurt to walk but the muscled had knit closed and though she had glaring red scars upon her rump her limb was barely noticeable, except to her, she could feel it and she felt that everyone else could see it just as well. Her mother had shooed her out of the den and told her to go find Noir to see if she needed help planting the tiny seeds, Oceane didn't want to go out where others could see her but she knew Tayui wouldn't allow her to sulk around the densite much longer.

It hadn't taken her that long to find her sister, though she thought that it had, her little ears drooping as she sat outside the tilled ground half hidden beneath some blackberry bushes watching her little sister flinging the seeds around while Toefur sat aside and watched like always. Oceane whined as she saw that Noir wasn't planting the little seeds like she'd watched the adults do. She called out unhappily. "Noir, noooo!" They were probably both going to get in trouble for the mess the field was turning out to be.

Oceane moved out from under her little hideaway and headed into the field carefully, trying to collect the bright yellow seeds of corn. They would never grow like that, all sitting idle ontop the rich dark earth. Her sad eyes took in the whole of the disaster before her as she paws at the seeds helplessly.

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