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She was much kinder than he might have expected from an Inferni leader, as she prominently proclaimed. At first he wasn't sure if he should have believed it, but Gaël was smart enough to think twice on his often misguided instincts: this Ryan stood tall and confidently, maintaining a cool air about her and presented herself gently. It wasn't unheard of for a leader to be as such; Laureat had been kindly himself, the big white wolf back in Aube de Musique. Laurie had been a stand-in grandfather figure for the triplets growing up, and if they were to miss anyone outside of Aurelie from their old pack of birth, it would have been Laurie. Gaël recognized the air he'd been familiar with in Laureat and saw it in Ryan, and the yearling unconsciously relaxed some, as if he was suddenly in a more familiar place.

Of course, Zana's yapping voice pulled him immediately out of such comfort, but the hybrid straightened himself up and tried to at least look presentable in Ryan's eyes. He caught a strange gaze she was sending him, especially when they locked eyes, but it was quickly broken and the interrogation began. Gaël didn't understand the power his eyes had, nor was he his own witness to their effect, and thus the hybrid shrugged it off and believed Ryan had just been studying him. Turquoise eyes turned to glance up at Zana in the trees, addressing her first. "My mudder is dead," he said quietly, a distinct seriousness in his eye that was unlike the other looks he had sent the pup previously. His gaze returned to Ryan after a pause, and he heaved a sigh before continuing. "S'ee was killed when I was young, but s'ee was a coyote. My sister and brudder are livin' nearby." That was all the family he had... or wanted to have, anyway. He bowed his head, not sure what else to say--surely she'd ask about his father since he'd almost blurted out something about him already, so he inhaled deeply and finished. "...My fahder lives in Phoenix Valley."


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