There will be flower power


........ The golden girl moved gleefully through the fields, tossing her head around, spreading the seeds everywhere. She couldn’t wait to see their faces when the yellow flowers popped up and made everywhere pretty. The day was in full bloom and everything smelled fresh and flowery. Because she had been born in the coldest season while the world had been asleep, this strange and pleasant change in scenery was still impressive in her eyes. She wanted it to last forever. She wanted more flowers to shoot up and open up to drink of the bright sunlight. It was wonderful! It was wonderful to be alive! The dark shadow in the corner of her mind left by the scary puppy-eating man could not overshadow her love for the green world.

........ Oceane’s voice came from nowhere and made the lighter girl stop in her tracks, face turning in the direction of where the voice was coming from, golden eyes vibrating with instant worry. Her sibling ran into the field and started poking the soft dirt. The golden eyed Aston child gave a short, slightly sad sigh, her heart galloping because of the sudden fear from when her sister’s voice had sounded. Noir dropped the so to speak empty bag of seeds, feeling slightly confused. She did not realize the damage she just had done. ”What’s wrong Oce? I’m putting seeds in the fields for the pack.” Did Oceane think that it was rocks she had spread around? Silly, Noir wouldn’t do that!


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