Subterranean Homesick Blues

Mati knew one thing. He can only be so much. It was impossible to be everything that everyone needed form him. Haven would always be her brother. But by being that for her she was asking so much. She needed a protector, she needed a best friend, and she needed the one who always understood. She needed her rock and her stability when the world was threatening to crumble. Haven would always be her brother, but he couldn’t always act like it. And as hard as it was to live without it, Mati could understand and wanted to help.

Patiently the girl waited, preparing herself for what he was to tell her. The possibilities ran through her mind, but what he said had been missed. It had never been an option, because Mati had never let her thoughts venture to such a thing. The girl took in the truth with each short sharp breath her body inhaled. She felt the tightness of her chest, and fought it. Calm she spoke to her mind that threatened to spin out of control, sending her body into a full panic attack. No, she wouldn't allow that.

She was strong enough to look at him, not allowing the truth to sink too deep. She didn’t allow it to settle in her heart and grow into something that would blossom as Haven had. No, Mati would let it rest on the surface and use it to understand why Haven hated himself. The tears were flowing easily now, and she hugged him closer. You would never Haven. The truth expressed in a whisper, knowing now what he feared. In her mind she pledged that she wouldn’t let it happen, she would be there for him and keep such evil from entering his heart. If she could stop it, she would.

It was impossible to think about the pain that their mother felt, and how the truth changed everything. All Mati could do was think of her brother, and wanted to make him right again. We can figure this out, all of us. A secret plea to come home Mati wanted him to be open with their mothers, let them know his fear and help to calm it. He couldn’t do it alone, and the girl didn’t know of anyone better then his family to help him.


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