buy me some beer goggles
DaVinci's eyes cast about the woman, the scent of Inferni strong as she moved closer, attempting to get closer to the prize he held in his hand just out o her reach. Her voice breaking through with that one word caused a sly smile to play across his lips as he leaned closer to her as he taunted her. "How bad.." almost instantly it seemed that she had pulled herself up into his lap as she tried to reach her prize. He twisted his wrist back and forth just out of reach, letting her see the reward she wanted so badly. Her arm wrapped around his neck as he grinned, his free arm closing around her waist as he brought the bottle she craved so much closer, in reach of her grasp as he cooed. "You really want it that badly.."

The words fell from his maw as suddenly he was confronted with the sounds of Haven losing the soured contents of his stomach. When Ryan question the boy he chuckled darkly and admitted. "First time drinkin, I think he overdid it.." He ran the edge of her beer bottle along her cheek as he asked. "Have you?" Now what was he doing with such a pretty little thing in his lap. She came from the wrong side of the tracks, the enemy, but why was the enemy so beautiful. She looked so much like Ryan...

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