i heard your voice through a photograph
She couldn't help but laugh as Heath cast in his own taunting words to the male as the three of them stood facing off to the scarred up beast before them. The silence of their other brother should have struck as a warning but they were so obsessed with this thing that was finally presented right before them, finally they could destroy his world like he'd done to theirs. Miriette's ears pinned back as a dangerous smile flashed across her maw. She liked the expression she saw wash across his face as she used his birth given name outloud. Her smile played once more as she asked. "What? Maluki.. it's the name you screamed to our mother as your raped her.." She narrowed her eyes as she bared her deadly fangs to the male. "It's the only thing she passed on to us, the only thing you allowed her."

A growl played in the back of her throat as the words seemed to echo all around them. It was the truth they'd grown up knowing, it was what had made them who they were today and what would possibly shape them further down the line as well. She took a step forward, her eyes flashing as she asked. "Why did you change your name then.." her eyes studying the male as she threw out suggestion. "To forget your dirty deeds? The blood on your hands? To hide from your past and everything in it?" She grinned as she laid the laws down right before his eyes. "You can't deny the truth Maluki, the product of your sins, reborn by the blood you spilled.." Perhaps they could have stayed simple, innocent in some ways had he not murdered their mother but once the deed was committed they'd been reborn, washed in the darkness by the twisted fate of their father who lived as though he was pure and holy now. A leader none the less.

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