aces high.
The small mouthy girl in the tree gave a huff at the words of the male as he went on about how his mother was dead and something else about sibling living around she rolled her eyes and grumbled down at him. "That boring! Get to the good stuff!" She really hated to hear the same old story and it seemed that the one that Gael was going to tell was almost like every other one she'd heard. Some big sob story with a little bit of pity me tied in. She began to flick pebbles down at Gael once more until he spoke of a place she knew well.

Her ears pricked forward as she leaned down to squint at the male as she commented almost friendly. "You says hi to Dabi for me if yous goes to the valley again? Yes? No?" She knew she wasn't allowed to go running off to see DaVinci anymore and it upset her. She didn't like the idea that just because someone else didn't like DaVinci that she should have to hate him. He was her brother, and he was coyote too. Just because he belonged to the wolf pack didn't mean much to her. Then again nothing serious ever seemed to get through to the girl, but why should it, no one really took her seriously, she was a pint sized version of the real deal.

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