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The man pulled, slowly, satisfaction flowing freely through his veins. He had her now, and her desperate acting pleased him greatly. The was a tug from the girl, and then all resistance evaporated into nothing. The brown male staggered backwards and saw a rat like tail whip into the depths of the burrow. Fuck. A loud growl erupted from his throat when he realized that the child had escaped. He padded to the mouth of the small hole where the coyote hid and blocked out the daylight with his fangs. ”Oi, little rat, I can wait.” the demon purred deadly down into the darkness. Truth be told, he was not sure if he could be bothered. He had managed to scare the hell out of the little brat at least. His eyes went to the ugly ribbon, and he made quick business with it, ripping it into lesser pieces. The male hesitated for a moment before he lifted his leg and started urinating into the dark hole where Zana was hiding. The man was disgusting. Shaking his leg automatically, the man stretched comfortably before he found a suitable rock to push over the hole. He doubted it would imprison her for long, but some extra spice was nice. The Lilium turned away and left the scene, his mood better than it had been for some time.

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