They can see us, but do they know?
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He had lied. They weren’t really stories. What he was about to tell little Noir was the truth. At least, he believed so. Adelaide, his mother, had told her children how one could easily predict the future by looking at the stars. A myth perhaps, but Honoré chose to believe it. He was a dreamer after all, and he’d always thought there was something mystical about constellations. It was a shame that he’d never learned how to read their pattern. His eyes riveted towards the night sky, and what seemed to be a million sparkling diamonds above their heads.

The Tueris allowed a thoughtful look to settle upon his face as he examined them carefully. He could see the big dipper, although he wasn’t too sure of himself. Sparing his niece the neck pains that came with looking up at the sky for too long, he brought her to the river nearby. “Come, come. Don’t forget Uncle Ho’s gift,” he said, moving closer to the water. A finger reached out to point at the water’s reflection. Stars seemed to be inches away, within reaching limit. “Your grand mama told Uncle Ho and Mommy Tayui that some people see things in the stars. Like what is going to happen. Cool, eh?” he said, pausing a moment to ponder how he’d further explain things to her.

It was a hard thing to do because he didn’t fully understand it himself. Instead, he attempted to teach her what he already knew. “See there,” he started again, pointing at the way stars aligned. “That is big dipper. It is a cons-tel-a-shun.” Big words in English still proved to be problematic. “We can catch the stars, maybe?” His maw spread into a comical grin. Would she try to reach for them? Now that would be funny.


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